We want to make sure we direct you to the right talking therapies service provider.

If you’re within the Hampshire and Isle of Wight area, please enter the postcode or name of your GP surgery in the box below.

If you live outside this area, you can visit the NHS website to find your local provider.

Need help with your GP surgery details?

You need to be registered with a GP to access talking therapies support free on the NHS.

You can visit the NHS website to find your GP surgery information or to register with a local GP.

This map is interactive, click on a region to reveal the service provider:

Isle of Wight Portsmouth Southampton Petersfield Fareham Lyndhurst Winchester Andover Eastleigh Basingstoke Farnborough Your local service provider is: Talking Therapies Hampshire Visit website Your local service provider is: Talking Therapies Portsmouth Visit website Your local service provider is: Talking Therapies Southampton Visit website Your local service provider is: Talking Therapies IOW Visit website Your local service provider is: Talking Therapies North East Visit website